Three Myths About Wooden Fencing Debunked

Posted on: 27 April 2017

Wooden fences are beautiful and versatile, whether you have a rustic home or a more modern one. However, some homeowners are steering away from wooden fencing because they've heard some "bad" things about it. Many of these ideas are just myths -- not the truth. To ensure you make a properly informed decision regarding your home fencing, here's a look at some of those myths and the real truth they are hiding.

Myth: Wooden fences will be chewed apart by termites.

Homeowners sometimes opt out of wooden fencing because they're afraid it will attract termites onto their property, allowing them to then move into their home and other wooden structures. The fact of the matter is, this is only an issue in areas where termites are already quite prevalent -- and when you choose certain woods. Cedar, one of the most common woods used for fencing, is unappealing to termites and is therefore a safe choice even in termite-prone areas. If termites aren't common where you live, then even oak and pine fencing will do just fine.

Myth: Wooden fencing requires a ton of maintenance.

Surely, there is some maintenance involved with wooden fencing. You'll have to paint it or apply waterproofing coatings every few years. However, this is not as much effort as the myth-spreaders would have you believe. With a helper or two on hand, you can probably paint the whole fence in an afternoon. Isn't one afternoon every three or four years worth it for the beauty of your wooden fence? You can even hire a professional to perform this maintenance if it's too much for you.

Myth: The fence posts will rot away.

Rotten fence posts, and the resulting sagging fence, are only an issue if your fence posts are not installed properly. They are meant to be encased in concrete rather than placed directly into the soil. The concrete helps keep them stable and dry. Work with a reputable fencing company that does not skip this step, and choose a durable wood, like cedar or cypress. Also, be careful not to overwater plants along the base of the fence. This should keep the area a bit dryer so you you should not have to worry about sagging and rotting fence posts.

To learn more about wooden fencing and its many benefits, speak to a fence contractor in your area. They can let you know if any other myths you've heard about wooden fencing are actually true.
