Own Vinyl Fencing? Learn How To Care For It

Posted on: 15 January 2019

A vinyl residential fence may be appealing to you for several reasons. It has a low initial cost, as well as needing minimal maintenance to keep it looking great. However, the day will come that you need to maintain the vinyl fencing material. The fence won't maintain itself on its own, and you'll eventually need a few things to keep it in great shape.

Clear Out The Surrounding Area

Start by making sure that the area immediately next to the fence has been cleared out. This means removing weeds and trimming back shrubs that touch the material. You do not want to end up with things growing between the panels of a vinyl fence, which not only looks bad, but can cause the fence to become weak over time. Trim overgrown items that are growing near the fence and you should be fine.

One thing to avoid doing is using a weed trimmer too close to the fencing material. The wire of a weed trimmer can cause damage to any part of the fence that it touches, which can leave the bottom edge of the french looking like it is in rough shape if you are not careful.

Check For Mold

Give the fence a visual inspection for mold growth. While mold is often thought of happening to wood fence material, know that you can also have mold growth on a vinyl fence. It's more likely to happen if there are those shrubs touching the fence, which will trap moisture on it and cause mold to grow. It can also happen if there are areas that are moist and in the shade all the time. Mold can be removed by mixing together a cleaning solution with water and vinegar, and scrubbing down the area thoroughly.

Oil Hinges And Secure Screws

If you have any gates that are attached with metal hinges holding them onto the fence, you will want to apply some oil to them to prevent the hinges from rusting. Broken hinges will only put more weight on the other hinges, making those more likely to rip out of the fencing material. You can also give a visual inspection of all the metal hardware and replace the stuff that is rusting.

Finally, go around the fence and look for screws that are holding hardware onto the fence. Give them a quick twist with a screwdriver to make sure that they are still tight.
